Tag Archives: steel gate

Why Choose a Steel Driveway Gate?

Aside from having a house full of memories you cherish with your entire family, you also wish that above all the house is safe. While there are other types of driveway gates you can install, the best choice is still choosing one that’s made of steel. It is expensive, sure, but the benefits of having one around your home and in your driveways is worth the cost. Here are some reasons why:

steel gate driveway

Deterrent. Steel gates are usually higher than six feet. A burglar who plans to trespass inside your home will think twice about entering it, since steel security driveway gates are difficult to get out of. It is easy to slide down, but during moments of panic when their presence is discovered, it is difficult to get out of a house guarded by this type of driveway gates.

Security. Steel gates are usually the ones wherein contractors can easily install security features, like the hidden camera, without making the feature too obvious. This will enable homeowners to view their place from the inside and can also manage to spot those unwanted people who may be a threat to your family’s security.

Safety. Houses with long driveways and a huge garden can benefit from installing steel driveway gates. Since they are a lot higher than garden gates, they allow the kids and the pets to roam freely in the garden or lawn to play and discover things. Keeping the gates closed ensure that the kids are safely within the perimeter of your house and that you can easily keep an eye on them while they are out and about.

Parking. Many homeowners who have huge properties usually have problems of people trespassing the property or a neighbor’s visitors parking on their lawn or driveway for free. If you’re very particular with ownership and privacy, the steel driveway gates allow you to keep these people out of your area. It gives you control as to giving only people who ask permission to park in your driveway or lawn.

Maintenance. If the reasons stated above are still not enough, consider this: steel gates are low maintenance. Who loves to clean up every weekend anyway? Steel driveway gates can be cleaned using a wet cloth or a household cleaner. They can develop rust, but only after a few months. Steel driveway gates also last longer than wooden gates if they are kept clean and free of dust and other debris.

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